
introduction and history of 雞 蛋 仔(in English plz) 10 marks!


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Gei Dan Jai 雞蛋仔: olde worlde Hong Kong style waffle The center of the cakes has a springy texture like a pancake, while the edges are crisp like a waffle. Their unique shape—resembling a small plump mussel—derives from the special griddle in which they’re made. It’s a two-part contraption like a waffle iron, but fitted with about twenty round indentations. After the cakes are cooked on one side, the whole iron is flipped over, and the cakes take on their strange bivalve form. They’re perfect for dipping, so the only thing missing is a cup of tea, which is easily had from the nearby Chinese bakeries. (Wing Sing Bakery at 16 Bowery has what’s called Hong Kong Coffee, which is actually a mix of coffee and strong tea with a little sweetened condensed milk.) But do not neglect the Hong Kong cakes too long. Like Madeleines, they fade as they cool. This should not be a problem though, since the cakes are so light and delicious that before you know it all you’ll have is just the memory Flour 麵粉140g克(5oz安士) 發粉1+1/4茶匙 Custard Powder吉士粉1湯匙 生粉28克(1安士) 煮食用代糖100克 水140毫升(1安士) 雞蛋2隻(中size蛋可做3底) 低脂淡奶28毫升(2湯匙) 橄欖油14毫升(1湯匙) 做法: 1. 蛋 + 糖打起,加入花奶攪勻 2. 所有粉混合,過篩,加入水攪勻 3. 把(2)分次逐少加入(1)內(可用電動打蛋器用慢速攪勻) 4. 加入橄欖油,不停攪拌成稀麵糊,不可起粒 5. 把麵糊靜置起碼2小時 6. 將雞蛋模兩邊燒熱,模內簿簿掃上一層橄欖油 7. 把麵糊倒入模內至8分滿,將模夾緊搖勻反轉置爐上 8. 以中慢火底面各燒約2分鐘至雞蛋仔離模及熟透即可 勁重手雞蛋仔模 ($170) 陳枝記老刀莊有限公司:九龍上海街316-318號地下



雞蛋仔應為港式街邊小食,來源不大清楚,只知好似以前有人開什貨店,每天都有為數不少的雞蛋破裂、破爛,但又不想浪費棄掉,於是就嘗試加入麵粉牛油之類的物料弄成漿狀再經倒模烘焗而成,後來為了美觀遂將模具設計成小小的雞蛋形狀,不料竟大受歡迎。 雞蛋仔 還未到達小販攤檔,遠遠已嗅到雞蛋仔的香味,而且它的外觀也十分吸引,每粒雞蛋仔都是金黃色;而它最特別的地方是它半邊空心半邊實心,因此吃下去時鬆脆可口,特別有口感。 材料: 麵粉 - 100克 生粉 - 25克 發粉 - 1茶匙 雞蛋 - 2隻 砂糖 - 100克 淡奶 - 60毫升 水 - 125毫升 烹調方法: 將麵粉、生粉及發粉篩勻待用。 用木匙將雞蛋及砂糖拌勻, 逐少加入淡奶及水, 拌勻後分次加入粉料中, 不停攪拌成稀麵漿, 不可起粒。 將雞蛋仔模型底面兩面燒熱。 在雞蛋仔模型上掃一層油。 然後注入粉漿至八分滿。 將模夾緊, 反轉用中火底面各燒1-2分鐘至雞仔離模及熟透,用叉挑出。 趁熱食。7638E7481407D16B
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