- 國家主席胡錦濤的工資是多少﹖
- F.4 Maths_6
- 數學F2 率比
- 想問點解697首長國際最近跌幅擴大-
- 太和點去香港專業教育學院(摩理臣山分校)---
- Honeymoon去歐洲自由行
- 尖沙咀有咩餐廳好坐好傾計-
- 想買部MP3錄上堂,但有問題。
- 二手車一問
- 請快答海洋公園哈囉喂門票..20分
請問shure的咪係香港邊度有代理? 我想買sm58~ 知唔知邊度有得買?
Earphone Agent ECT Eichi Technology Address: Room 1010, 10/F, Sterling Centre, No.11 Cheung Yue Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon Tel: (852)3188 0767 www.ect.com.hk Sound Well Co. Address: 3/F Block A, 46-48 Kimberly Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Tel: (852)27218819 Earphone Resellers Hong Kong Island A & A Shop 123, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong. (852) 2845-3670 Hong Kong Records Shop 252,Pacific Place, 88 Queensway,Hong Kong. (852) 2537-4484 Universal Audio & Video Centre Shop 135, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway , Admiralty (852) 2801-6422 3C Digital Shop 832 - 833, 8/F., Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (852) 2506-3535 Access Technology Co. Ltd. Room 1007, 10/F., The In Square, Windsor House, Causeway Bay. (852) 2576 4864 A3 Technology Shop 813, 8/F., Times Square, Causeway Bay. (852) 2506 2818 Broadway Shop 714, Times Square, Causeway Bay, HK. (852)2506-1330 Broadway 1/F., & G/F., Hang Lung Centre, Paterson Street, Causeway Bay, HK (852)3427 9819 City Super Times Square, Basement One, Causeway Bay (852) 2506-2888 Designer Group Company Shop 1217, 12/F., The In Square, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay (852) 2504-4122 Designer Group Company Shop 903C, 9/F,Times Square ,1 Matheson St. Causeway Bay (852) 2506-1338 Fortress Shop B4, G/F , Lai Yuen Apartments ,No.59 Russell St. Causeway Bay (852) 25040970 Fortress Shop No.32 ,G/F ,JP Plaza ,NOS.22-36 Paterson Street , Causeway Bay (852) 35280721 Fortress Shop No.718-721 On 7/F & 818-821 On 8/F.,Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay (852) 25061120 Master (OA) Company Rm 1104-05, 11/F, The In Square, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay (852) 2881-5891 True Sound Co Ltd G/F., 9-11 Pennington Street, Causeway Bay (852) 2577-5753 Ultimate PC & MAC Gallery Shop 1201, 12/F., Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay (852) 2881-1109 http://www.shure.com.hk/PersonalAudio/WhereToBuy/index.htm