


我想問如果我本身會考得一分,今年34歲,文職工作.現在想再進修甚至想向本地學位進發, 是茫想或是有可能呢,請有心人指導. 更新: 有心人,你們的答案可以詳細一些嗎?





樓主不要太灰心, 作為同路人(我當年中五畢業, 一直都係半工讀), 以您的情況, 希望以下內容會幫到您。 1. HKMA - Diploma in Business Studies The DMS is a Joint Programme undertaken by the Hong Kong Management Association and Lingnan University to meet the needs of in-service managers and executives who seek a formal education in modern business management. Through an accerlerated development process, it provides managers and executives with the knowledge and expertise to make greater contributions to their organizations. Programme Structure The DMS is a part-time evening programme which can be completed in 1 year. Entry Requirements To qualify for admission, applicants must: hold a recognized academic degree or professional qualification with 1 year of working experience OR be fully matriculated, and have 2 or more years of working experience OR be a secondary school graduate, and have 3 or more years of working experience Applicants may be required to attend an interview. The DMS Secretariat will inform the applicants of the interview schedule in due course. For details please see the website: http://www.hkma.org.hk/program/program_next.asp?prog_no=DMS&prog_cat=D&ver_type=E 2. HKUST-CL3 - Advanced Diploma in Business Administration This 1-year part-time program provides students with knowledge necessary for a business administration career. The program prepares students to work in business and government organizations as officers or supervisory positions. Students will learn the theories and practical skill-set for working in a business environment. Students who have successfully completed the study and passed all assessment of this program will be awarded an Advanced Diploma in Business Administration. Graduates may apply for admission to the final year top-up program of BA (Hons) in Management and Business of the Univerisity of Glamorgan, subject to fulfillment of entry requirements. Entry Requirements: Applicants should: - either have 5 passes in HKCEE (or equivalent) with 2 years of working experience; or be F.7 graduates, or aged 21 or above - and be proficient in English and computer literate; and - be holder of CL3's Diploma in Business Administration (or equivalent) with satisfactory results 依您的情況, 通常校方會建議您先讀其一年part-time的Diploma in Business Administration(year 1), 然後才讀Year2的advance diploma course: For details please see the website: http://www.cl3.ust.hk/programs/program_detail.asp?selectBy=Subject&type_id=32&program_id=233 3. 商業學文憑 (青年會專業書院) 本課程為學員提供現今商業社會工作所需的專業知識,完成課程後可充分掌握全面而實用的工作技巧,以應用於辦公室的日常工作。課程適合中五程度人士修讀,導師由淺入深,令學員的商業英語水平、資訊科技應用能力及一般商業與財務的應用知識等,均能達到現今商業機構之基本要求,真正學以致用。 學員修讀此課程後,可經校方報考以下公開考試: 英國城巿專業學會之電腦軟件應用中級文憑及; 英國城巿專業學會之商業實務中級文憑 修讀期 : 約十個月,逢十月、三月開課 入讀資格: ?申請者必須年滿十七歲; ?中五程度或成功修畢毅進課程。 完成此課程, 可以修讀其商業管理高級文憑, 修讀期約十個月,逢十月、三月開課; 入讀資格 : ?申請者必須年滿十八歲; ?中七程度;或 ?持有本校之商業學文憑、行政及秘書學文憑或專業會計學文憑;或擁有相等程度的工作經驗。 詳情請看此website: http://www.ymca.org.hk/big5/index.php?c=83&t=3 以上課程皆可申請CEF fund, 1-2 皆有升top-degree途徑, 持高級文憑的亦可考慮公開大學學士課程。 又, IVE-VTC都有夜間高級文憑課程, 但仍未出08/09年度, 您可以先bookmark或者睇番上年的course description: http://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission/chi/index.php 只要有心讀書, 這不是妄想; 努力地一步一步上, 學士之路絕不遙遠。 俾心機, 祝學業有成! 2008-02-16 10:49:45 補充: IVE-VTC於二月尾招生(08/09夜間證書至高級文憑課程), 請密切留意! 個人建議: 以樓主的學程, 可由基礎文憑入學, 然後修讀香港專業教育學院證書∕文憑∕高級文憑課程或職業訓練局工商資訊學院高級文憑課程。要入大學, 至少有張高級文憑和有一定英文水平(如IELTS 6.0或TOFEL550分以上)才行。 2008-02-16 10:51:12 補充: 對不起! 寫錯字: 應為學歷而不是學程。


咁梗係有可能,世上無難事,只怕有心人。 如果你怕最初辛苦,可以先讀IVE 個D CERT / DIP,或者一D 商科學校,EG 明愛/ YMCA 個D,都應該岩你讀,不過最初讀可能辛苦D,但開左個頭,捱過左就得架喇。 我身邊都有好多你既情況既朋友,因為自己都係咁。|||||唔緊要嫁~只要你有心,(有經濟能力-_-|||),就0k嫁啦~ 書,讀唔完嫁~我實支持你~! 圖片參考:http://hk.yimg.com/i/icon/16/3.gif

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