Maths holiday HW S3 to S4
- 消防局一問-
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- 數學問題(只需答案)
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- 世界女排大獎賽香港站古巴隊_11
1. In a company, junior workers and senior workers (but not the managers) work as teams. Senior workers form 10 teams while junior workers form 20 teams. The number of junior workers in forming a team is 3 more than the number of senior workers in forming a team It is given that the total number of staff members... 顯示更多 1. In a company, junior workers and senior workers (but not the managers) work as teams. Senior workers form 10 teams while junior workers form 20 teams. The number of junior workers in forming a team is 3 more than the number of senior workers in forming a team It is given that the total number of staff members (including the managers) in the company does not exceed 470. (a) What is the maximum number of senior workers in forming a team? (b) It is given that the number of senior workers in forming a team is not less than 12. Is it possible that there are more than 50 managers in the company? Explain youe answer. 2.Express 27 x 16^11 + 16^7 + 33 x 16^4 - 16^4 as a hexadecimal number.
1. (a) Let number of junior workers be x, senior workers be y. Asume there is only one manager(min.). x/20 = y/10 +3 ---- (1) x+y+1