please help! need it quick!
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1. Fill each cell with a digit from 0 to 9( not necessarily distinct) so that for the seven multidigit numbers formed across and down, one is a perfect cube (343, already filled in for you) and the rest are perfect squares. A number may not begin with the digit 0.[3][4][3][] [] [] [][] [] [][] [] [] [] =... 顯示更多 1. Fill each cell with a digit from 0 to 9( not necessarily distinct) so that for the seven multidigit numbers formed across and down, one is a perfect cube (343, already filled in for you) and the rest are perfect squares. A number may not begin with the digit 0. [3][4][3] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] = boxes... please help i dun understand,, explain please 更新: sorry, the last one,, there are only 3 boxes .. don't fill the last one,, just want to tell their boxes >
由於題目資料有限,我將會用試的方法求得答案。 考慮第一直行和第三直行都是3字頭的四位平方數,第一步是嘗試找出這兩個數的組合,令第三橫行和第四橫行的三位數為平方數。 (為方便起見,建議把3字頭的四位平方數和三位平方數(即55平方至63平方和10平方至31平方)列出,最好能使用計算機,不然做算草會相當痛苦) 3025100441 3136121484 3249144529 3364169576 3481196625 3600225676 3721256729 3844289784 3969324841 361900 400961 3025不能填入第一直行,因為有0,0不能作為一個數的起首。 接著試把3136填入第一直行,留意以3和6起首的三位平方數末端的數字能否與其中一個四位數相符,發現沒有這四位數,因此3136不能填入第一直行,如此類推。 得出的(第一直行,第三直行)組合有(3249,3600),(3721,3364),(3721,3969),(3844,3600) 此時,每一個組合只空了兩個數字,再逐一嘗試,得出的答案如下: 343 7396 256 169