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翻查過英語的資料後, 發現原來 soup 這個英文字, 是源於古拉丁文, 及受日耳曼的影響, 並綜合了 sup (動詞, 指吃晚餐, 其名詞寫法是 supper) 和 soak (動詞及名詞一樣寫法, 即浸濕的意思) 兩個字的意思組成的. 本來的意思是: 將 肉湯 (broth) 倒在 (pour) 麵包 之上來吃的一種食品, 與中國人的湯水觀念, 只作飲用是不同的. 因此, soup 的原意, 不是一種餐前飲料這麼簡單, 而是一種由肉湯加上麵包一同來吃的東西 (卻不是齋飲的飲品). 這就 好比: 如果你去吃過橋米粉, 是必須將干身的食物和湯料放在餐桌前, 將兩種東西混在一起來吃, 才算是完整的. 這或許也解釋了, 為何 soup 這個名詞, 是可以配合 eat 這個動詞來用的! 以下是有關的部份英文資料參考: Why do we "eat" rather than "drink" soup? Etiquette experts tell us we "eat," rather than "drink" soup because it is considered part of the meal. Additionally, in most cultures soup is consumed with a spoon rather than sipped from the container...... Why the word "soup?" The etymological idea underlying the word soup is that of soaking. It goes back to ..... classical Latin verb suppare soak', which was borrowed from the same prehistoric German root (sup-) ..... in English sup and supper..... This meant both piece of bread soaked in liquid and, by extension, broth poured onto bread. An A-Z of Food and Drink, John Ayto [Oxford University Press:Oxford] 2002 (p. 316) http://www.foodtimeline.org/foodsoups.html 2008-01-17 18:54:42 補充: 中國人的「粥」也會加入花生和蔥花等干的配料, 但那些只是配料, 對「粥」而言是是可有可無的.
Very informative!|||||因為有d人鍾意用湯整濕d麵巴食A215E4A2B88AAE64