English question - urgent help
1. Please tell me which of the following sentences is correct?a. You can catch Bus No. E41 at the Tai Po Bus Terminus.b. You can catch Bus No. E41 in the Tai Po Bus Terminus.2. What is the English of the following:-機場巴士3. What is the Chinese translation of the following:-catch a busThanks a lot... 顯示更多 1. Please tell me which of the following sentences is correct? a. You can catch Bus No. E41 at the Tai Po Bus Terminus. b. You can catch Bus No. E41 in the Tai Po Bus Terminus. 2. What is the English of the following:- 機場巴士 3. What is the Chinese translation of the following:- catch a bus Thanks a lot for your help!
你好.. q.1 A) You can catch Bus No. E41 at the Tai Po Bus Terminus. 係對既... 因為巴士站只係一點, 你唔會企係個巴士站入面.. 所以應該係at 唔係 in q.2 機場巴士 英文係Air-bus q.3 catch the bus 係乘搭巴士 希望幫倒你
1/at the terminus .at a point,,一點 3/catch a bus .意指想趕搭九士. 搭巴士是 by bus ,get the bus.|||||catch a bus = to be in time to get on the bus before it leaves ~ 趕上巴士;趕到巴士 Airbus = a large plane that carries a lot of people for short and medium distances (trademark) 空中巴士 (中短期班機) airport bus = 機場巴士|||||Ellen, It should be airport bus, not air bus. See the difference below: Airport bus http://airportusa.us/airport_bus.html Air bus http://www.wallpaperpimper.com/wallpaper/download-wallpaper-Airbus_A340_Jumbo_Jet-size-1024x768-id-123124.htm