1)英國Nottingham Trent University好唔好ga?佢最出名係讀d咩ga? 2)英國城市專業學會(City and Guilds)的認可證書有冇市場認受性的?市場承不承認? 3)英國伯明翰城市大學&英國諾森比亞大學最出名的學科又係咩? 4)英國紐卡素洛森比亞大學的國際款接及旅遊業務(榮譽)文學士學位出唔出名? 5))英國有邊間大學出名讀設計同酒店? 如果有人知道請盡快回覆,因為實在係好急要知!!!>.
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The Times Good University Guide '08 Art and Design (Top 30) 1 University College London 5B 370 71% 100 2 Reading 5A 361 65% 99.8 3 Glasgow 4C 449 67% 98.8 4 Oxford 4A 458 45% 95.9 5 Brunel 4A 327 59% 94.5 6 Loughborough 4C 357 62% 93.3 7 Goldsmiths College 5B 317 56% 93.1 8 Newcastle 4B 360 55% 92.9 9 Leeds 3aA 389 50% 92.5 10 Brighton 5B 295 57% 92.4 11 Kingston 4D 307 70% 91.9 12 Salford 5*A 233 51% 91.7 13 Edinburgh 462 63% 91.6 14 University of the Arts, London 5D 415 50% 91.5 15 Bournemouth 5D 272 69% 91 16 Dundee 4B 354 48% 90.6 17 Aberystwyth 3aA 332 48% 89.4 =17 Nottingham Trent 3aE 317 68% 89.4 19 Robert Gordon 3aD 286 64% 88.2 20 Southampton 4C 321 49% 88 21 Greenwich 218 83% 87.2 22 Falmouth 3aE 326 59% 87.1 23 Northumbria 4D 286 55% 86.6 24 Sheffield Hallam 5C 265 48% 86.4 25 Lancaster 3aC 381 38% 86.1 26 Coventry 3aD 290 56% 85.9 27 Ulster 5D 264 52% 85.6 28 Kent 278 68% 85.2 29 De Montfort 4C 252 50% 85.1 30 Anglia Ruskin 3bA 262 49% 84.6 Hospitality; Leisure; Sport; Recreation and Tourism (Top 30) 1 Loughborough 5*C 396 70% 100 2 Aberdeen 4B 430 65% 99.3 3 Birmingham 5*A 362 57% 99.1 4 Bath 3aC 404 73% 97.8 5 Glasgow 5*A 392 42% 96.4 6 Exeter 5C 361 65% 95.9 7 Bangor 5A 281 56% 93.4 8 Brunel 4B 301 64% 93.3 9 Durham 466 63% 93 10 De Montfort 4B 223 75% 92.8 11 Surrey 4C 314 64% 92.2 12 Stirling 4B 328 55% 91.9 =12 Leeds 3aC 343 62% 91.9 14 Manchester 4C 319 60% 91.4 15 Liverpool John Moores 5*B 250 51% 90.3 16 Edinburgh 3aD 388 53% 90.1 17 Strathclyde 4C 339 51% 90 18 Brighton 4A 243 55% 89.7 19 Nottingham Trent 3aC 247 64% 88.1 20 Bedfordshire 4C 210 61% 86.9 21 Essex 274 71% 86.5 22 Leeds Metropolitan 3aD 272 55% 85.6 23 Manchester Metropolitan 5*C 224 46% 85.5 24 East London 180 82% 85.3 25 Reading 293 61% 84.7 =25 Chichester 3aC 217 57% 84.7 27 Ulster 4D 282 46% 84.4 28 Robert Gordon 287 61% 84.3 29 University of the Arts, London 365 48% 84.2 30 Hertfordshire 3aC 251 49% 84 =30 Queen Margaret Edinburgh 293 59% 84