



The monthly income of Philip ($y) is related to the number of watches he sold (x) in the corresponding month.The table below shows the relationship between x and y.Number of watches sold (x)|0|50|100|150|200|Income ($y)|4500|5500|6500|7500|8500|(a) Write a function relating x and y.(b) If Philip... 顯示更多 The monthly income of Philip ($y) is related to the number of watches he sold (x) in the corresponding month.The table below shows the relationship between x and y. Number of watches sold (x)|0|50|100|150|200| Income ($y)|4500|5500|6500|7500|8500| (a) Write a function relating x and y. (b) If Philip sold 320 watches last month, what was his income? **請詳細回答問題和解釋個答案~_~** 更新: 可以用中文~


(a) 4500 is base salary, when he sells 50 watches he gets 1000 for commission, so he gets 1000/50=20 for each watch he sells. 20x+4500 = y (b) if x =320 20(320)+4500 = y 6400+4500 = y 10900 = y 2007-01-05 12:35:57 補充: Philip的底薪係$4500,因為當佢賣到0隻錶時都有$4500薪金。當他賣50隻時有5500,100隻時有6500。(6500 - 5500)/(100隻 - 50隻) = 100/50隻 = 20/隻以上計到當philip賣到 一隻錶時有多少錢收入,所以他的月薪會是$4500 加 $20 乘佢賣了多少隻錶。x = Philip賣到多少隻錶y = Philip的月薪所以(a)的equation係20x 4500 = y 2007-01-05 12:39:05 補充: 以上補充條equation出唔到個加號,應該係咁20x 加 4500 = y(b) 如果 philip賣了320隻錶,薪金會是...只要將 320 sub番入 (a)的equation 就會計到


(a)y=$4500+$20x(each watch's price is $20)因為每個手錶的價錢是20元 (b)His income in last month =$4500+$20*320 =$4500+$6400 =$10900 so his income was $10900 in last month|||||(a)y=20x+4500 (b)sub. x= 320 in the formula y=20* 320 +4500 y=109007638E7481407D16B

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