

Calculating the RA, Dec, Alt and Azimuth of Sun


Calculating the RA, Dec, Alt and Azimuth of SunGiven a particular longitude, latitude, date and time, can anyone give a set of formulas on working out the right ascension, declination, altitude and azimuth of the Sun at that moment? I'd appreciate a method which can obtain a better answer than that given... 顯示更多 Calculating the RA, Dec, Alt and Azimuth of Sun Given a particular longitude, latitude, date and time, can anyone give a set of formulas on working out the right ascension, declination, altitude and azimuth of the Sun at that moment? I'd appreciate a method which can obtain a better answer than that given here: http://www.saao.ac.za/public-info/sun-moon-stars/sun-index/how-to-calculate-altaz/


Approximate Position of the Sun (Altitude and Azimuth) from any Location at any Time (for low accuracy calculation) based on Yallop, Nautical Almanac Office, NAO Technical Note No. 46 (1978) (Dave Laney, SAAO, (021) 447-0025 for comments) examples- (a) Cape Town Feb 15 10:30 1995 (b) Bloemfontein May 20 13:35 1996 (c) Johannesburg Sept 25 16:45 1997 (1) find Y, the year minus 1900: (a) Y = 95 (b) 96 (c) 97 (2) find Z(J) from this table: Jan J= 1 Z(J)=-0.5* Jul J= 7 Z(J)=180.5 Feb 2 30.5* Aug 8 211.5 Mar 3 58.5 Sep 9 242.5 Apr 4 89.5 Oct 10 272.5 May 5 119.5 Nov 11 303.5 Jun 6 150.5 Dec 12 333.5 (* reduce by one for a leap year) (a) Z(J) = 30.5 (b) 119.5 (c) 242.5 (3) find D the number of days from this formula: D = integer(365.25 x Y) + Z(J) + K + UT/24 where K is the day of the month and UT is the universal time (a) D = int(365.25 x 95) + 30.5 + 15 + 8.500/24 = 34743.854 (b) int(365.25 x 96) + 119.5 + 20 + 11.583/24 = 35203.983 (c) int(365.25 x 97) + 242.5 + 25 + 14.750/24 = 35697.115 (4) find T the fraction of a julian century from this formula: T = D/36525 (a) T = 0.9512349 (b) 0.9638325 (c) 0.9773337 (5) find L the mean longitude of the sun from this formula: L = 279.697 + 36000.769 x T (a) L = 34524.885 => 324.885 (removing multiples of 360 degrees) (b) 34978.408 => 58.408 (c) 35464.462 => 184.462 (6) find M the mean anomaly of the sun from this formula: M = 358.476 + 35999.050 x T (a) M = 34602.029 => 42.029 (removing multiples of 360 degrees) (b) 35055.530 => 135.530 (c) 35541.561 => 261.561 (7) find epsilon the obliquity from this formula: epsilon = 23.452 - 0.013 x T (a) epsilon = 23.4396 (b) 23.4395 (c) 23.4393 (8) find lambda the ecliptic longitude of the sun from this formula: lambda = L + (1.919 - 0.005 x T) x sin(M) + 0.020 x sin(2M) (a) lambda = 324.885 + 1.9142 x 0.6695 + 0.020 x 0.9946 = 326.186 (b) 58.408 + 1.9142 x 0.7005 + 0.020 x -0.9998 = 59.729 (c) 184.462 + 1.9141 x -0.9892 + 0.020 x 0.2903 = 182.574 (9) find alpha the right ascension of the sun from this formula: alpha = arctan (tan(lambda) x cos(epsilon)) in same quadrant as lambda


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