
何為syncopation , 是否切分音?


Grade 6 聆聽內容, 何為syncopation? 是否切分音? 如何聽得出? 謝謝!



圖片參考:http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:dSXrCuxDGH1pEM:http://www.8notes.com/school/lessons/Piano/beginner_blues/syncopation.gif The above diagrams show different types of syncopation Syncopation In music, syncopation is when a stressing of a normally unstressed beat in a bar or failure to sound a tone on an accented beat occurs. Syncopation is used on occasion in many musical styles, including classical music, but it is fundamental in such styles as ragtime, jump blues, jazz and often in dubstep. In the form of a back beat, syncopation is used in virtually all contemporary popular music. Types of syncopation Even-note syncopation In meters with even numbers of beats (2/4, 4/4, etc.), the stress normally falls on the odd-numbered beats. If the even-numbered beats are stressed instead, the rhythm is syncopated. Off-beat syncopation The stress can shift by less than a whole beat so it falls on an off-beat, as in the following example where the stress in the first bar is shifted by an eighth note (or quaver): Playing a note ever-so-slightly before or after a beat is another form of syncopation because this produces an unexpected accent. Anticipated bass Anticipated bass is a bass tone that comes syncopated shortly before the downbeat, which is used in Son montuno Cuban dance music. Timing can vary, but it usually comes less than an eighth note before the one and three beats in 4/4. Missed-beat syncopation Another type of syncopation is the missed beat, in which a rest is substituted for an expected note's beginning (van der Merwe 1989, pp. 321). For example, if the musician suddenly does not play anything on beat 1, that would also be syncopation.


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