master degree in translation & its career path
Can I take a master degree of translation directly when i've never taken any course of translation before ( i get a degree healthcare field). what will be the period of time spend and course fee? which local university is better? when will be the time for apply each year? I'd like to know what is... 顯示更多 Can I take a master degree of translation directly when i've never taken any course of translation before ( i get a degree healthcare field). what will be the period of time spend and course fee? which local university is better? when will be the time for apply each year? I'd like to know what is the common career path for a graduate of translation? I like language, writing and reading, axcept translation, what other language-related subjects are suitable for me?
You cannot take master degree of translation directly if you not taken any translation course before. You can try Pdg. Cert & Pdg. Dip of translation eg. HKU SPACE AH 30-102-00 (62) Postgraduate Certificate in Translation 翻譯深造證書 Enquiry 查詢: 2975 5879 Fax 傳真: 2858 3404 Email 電郵: cathy.ho@hkuspace.hku.hk Course Start Date 開課日期: 16 Apr 2007 圖片參考:http://hkuspace.hku.hk/image/web_course/grayline.gif Entry Requirements Applicants should have a bachelor's degree in any discipline other than translation, or membership of the Institute of Linguists (MIL) attend a one-hour written test at 7:00 pm on 13 March 2007 Venue Room 301, Causeway Centre, Wanchai. Day(s) / Time Mon and Thur, 6:40-9:40pm starting 16 April 2007 Duration 6 months Fee(s) Course Fee: $14,700 Application Fee: $150, non-refundable Medium of Instruction Cantonese/English Information and Application Detailed information and an application form are available: in person, at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre. Closing Date for Application 28 February 2007 This programme provides systematic training in translation for those who have a degree in any discipline other than translation. It has 2 parts: Part 1, leading to a Postgraduate Certificate in Translation Part 2, leading to a Postgraduate Diploma in Translation Students must take 5 modules: Theory and Practice of Translation Culture and Translation Contrastive Studies and Linguistics Chinese - English Translation English - Chinese Translation Assessment is based on coursework, examination and attendance.
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