

question of density


A balloon of volume 2000 m3 is filled with hot air of density 0.95 kg/m3. If the mass of the fabric and basket is 200 kg and that of the pilot is 75 kg, what is the maximum load that can be carried when operating in cold air of density 1.25 kg/m3? (please answer in a little more details, thanks)


First of all, we have to find out the total mass of the balloon + basket + pilot which is: 75 + 200 + 0.95 × 2000 = 2175 kg And, the mass of cold air displaced = 1.25 × 2000 = 2500 kg So, by Archimede's principle, the upthrust on the balloon is 25000 N Therefore, before loading any load onto the balloon, the net force on the balloon is: 25000 - 21750 = 3250 N So, finally, the maximum load that can be carried on the balloon is 325 kg.


(1.25 - 0.95)x2000 =600kg Maximum load = 600 - 200 - 75 = 325kg7638E7481407D16B

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