
不要吃煙(No smoking, please)



我學校做假期功課,出左一個題目要作。 題目叫「No smoking,please」 字數約一百至二百字 請用簡單英文打一篇出來 內容希望可以講下禁煙活動,煙對人體既傷害,煙係用咩做成,人要食煙既錯誤觀念(有人覺得食煙好興,可以醒腦等),最後講下感想。 唔該。


Smokers think that they can quit and all the damages that have been done will go away and that they are risk free from diseases. That is so NOT TRUE. Getting into the habit of smoking causes heart disease, cancer, wrinkles, damage to your respiratory track, and affects the people around you. By getting into this bad habit is like inviting all these things to happen to your body. Why would you want to start smoking? Is it because you think it is cool. It is not so cool when you develop lung cancer and you will have to start going to hospital constantly to get check-ups and take a lot of medication. It will not be so cool when your unborn child has a big risk in having a defeasance. It will not so be cool when you have a whole bunch of wrinkles on your face when you are young and the only way to get rid of them is by expensive surgery. It will not be so cool when you die from this habit. All of this could have been prevented by doing one simple thing, NOT SMOKING. And itis the most inexpensive way of keeping your health and skin from all of this. Do not make smoking a habit. (213 words)


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